My Goal: To read a talk a day from the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and blog about it.

I know this will help me but I also hope you will join me in my journey. The principles taught at Conference are true principle of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and will bring you everlasting happiness.

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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Living in the Fulness of Times

by President Gordon B. Hinckley
Saturday Morning October 2001

The full Relief Society talks aren't published yet so I thought I would take a walk down memory lane and pick an older talk.  I decided to read Pres. Hinkley's address the weeks following September 11, 2001  - - the day we shall never forget.  I wondered if re-reading this after 9 years my perspective would change.

After reading this talk it isn't the one that he specifically talks about the terrorist attacks so I'll post that in a minute but it is still great none the less.

I found it interesting that he chose this to open the conference ...
"This morning I can scarcely restrain my emotions as I think of what the Lord has done for us.

I do not know what we did in the preexistence to merit the wonderful blessings we enjoy. We have come to earth in this great season in the long history of mankind. It is a marvelous age, the best of all. As we reflect on the plodding course of mankind, from the time of our first parents, we cannot help feeling grateful."

The Prophet didn't dwell on the negative but looked at all the blessings we have been given. It is amazing to look at the technological advances of the past century especially from the perspective of those that lived it.

"There has been more of scientific discovery during these years than during all of the previous history of mankind. Transportation, communication, medicine, public hygiene, the unlocking of the atom, the miracle of the computer, with all of its ramifications, have blossomed forth, particularly in our own era. During my own lifetime, I have witnessed miracle after wondrous miracle come to pass. We take it for granted."

But he does mention that with all these blessings comes an increase of evil and he told us that the Prophecy of Joel had been fulfilled.

"The vision of Joel has been fulfilled wherein he declared:

"And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:

"And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.

"And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.

"The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the Lord come.

"And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord hath said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call" (Joel 2:28–32)."

The Times in Which We Love
by President Gordon B. Hinckley
Sunday Morning October 2001

In this talk President Hinckley specifically addresses the terrorist attacks. He talks about the times ahead and the horrible realities of war.

"You are acutely aware of the events of September 11, less than a month ago. Out of that vicious and ugly attack we are plunged into a state of war. It is the first war of the 21st century. The last century has been described as the most war-torn in human history. Now we are off on another dangerous undertaking, the unfolding of which and the end thereof we do not know. For the first time since we became a nation, the United States has been seriously attacked on its mainland soil. But this was not an attack on the United States alone. It was an attack on men and nations of goodwill everywhere. It was well planned, boldly executed, and the results were disastrous. It is estimated that more than 5,000 innocent people died. Among these were many from other nations. It was cruel and cunning, an act of consummate evil."

All of us remember where we were that day and what we were doing. My husband had left early to the airport for a business trip. The first plane struck just before they were about to board. He called and told me I had to wake up and turn on the TV. I was still on the phone with him when the second plane hit and then watched as they mentioned the hits in Pennsylvania and at the Pentagon. I, as did many others, spent the next week or more glued to the TV. I remember my 3 year old telling me that bad guys and flown and airplane into a building and how bad that was.

I looked forward with great anticipation to General Conference to hear the words and guidance of the Prophet. I listened, was lifted up and learned, but looking back at this talk there is something that I missed and I wish I had paid more attention.

"I do not know what the future holds. I do not wish to sound negative, but I wish to remind you of the warnings of scripture and the teachings of the prophets which we have had constantly before us.

I cannot forget the great lesson of Pharaoh's dream of the fat and lean kine and of the full and withered stalks of corn."

The terrorist attack was 9 years ago and the recession started roughly 2 years ago making it 7 years from the time this talk was given. He was a Prophet, so I don't know why this is so surprising to me. I don't know if surprising is the right word but a testimony that he was a Prophet.

He also mentioned ...

"I cannot dismiss from my mind the grim warnings of the Lord as set forth in the 24th chapter of Matthew."

Matthew 24 talks about the Great Calamities preceding the Second Coming.

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