My Goal: To read a talk a day from the General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and blog about it.

I know this will help me but I also hope you will join me in my journey. The principles taught at Conference are true principle of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and will bring you everlasting happiness.

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Read it and then feel free to share your favorite quote and why.
Let's learn together!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tell Me the Stories of Jesus

by Elder Neil L. Andersen
April 2010

Are we teaching our children about Jesus Christ? Do they have an understanding of his ministry, life, Atonement, Resurrection?

Elder Andersen quotes President Monson
"President Thomas S. Monson has described the rising generation as “the very best ever” and has said to our youth: “You have come to this earth at a glorious time. The opportunities before you are nearly limitless.” But he also warned, “We have been placed on earth in troubled times.” “It is a time of permissiveness, with society in general routinely disregarding and breaking the laws of God.” We are surrounded by so much that is designed to divert our attention. “The adversary is using every means possible to ensnare us in his web of deceit.”"

We have such a huge responsibility to teach our kids the way of God and not of the world.

He says, "In our world today, each child, each young man and young woman needs his or her own conversion to the truth."

When I was 18 I was able to live in Nauvoo for a semester in college. I had always been a church going girl and knew what I needed to do to be happy in life but I had a twinge of doubt in my mind. I wasn't sure if I had a testimony of my own. I had always heard people sharing experiences of this life altering event where they just knew without a doubt that the Gospel of Jesus Christ was true. I couldn't think back to a time where I had this great significant event or "Tadaaa" moment as I like to call it, so it made me wonder if maybe I didn't know.

During this 4 months I studied and had many spiritual experiences that testified to me but most importantly I came to understand that for me I didn't need a big moment like that. I already had a testimony of Jesus Christ and his teachings. I had been taught my entire life about Him and His Gospel. I had been raised in a good Christian family who taught me about Christ, his ministry, good values, to be kind to others and about the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ on the Earth.

Elder Andersen says,
" The stories of Jesus can be like a rushing wind across the embers of faith in the hearts of our children. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”8 The stories of Jesus shared over and over bring faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and strength to the foundation of testimony. Can you think of a more valuable gift for our children?

Are the life and teachings of Jesus Christ embedded in the minds and souls of our children? Do they think about the Savior’s life when they wonder what to do in their own lives? This will be more and more important in the years ahead"

I realized I had been given this gift and I will be forever indebted to my parents for giving it to me. And eternally indebted to my Savior for the Gift he gave me.


Anonymous said...

Something that has come to my mind a lot lately is what we need to have a testimony of. Usually when I hear the word testimony I think of believing in the church, the prophet, the Book of Mormon, etc. While these are important I think it is only the means by which we can most fully learn about the substance of the gospel. Things like honesty, charity, humility, virtue, modesty, etc. It is through these basic teaching of Jesus Christ that we gain real and lasting happiness.

Alisa said...

Exactly! We really need to have our foundation in Christ.